To include expenses that you may not have an official invoice for, this feature can be useful for seeing a more complete picture of where your financial performance is each month
What you can track: recurring payments like rent, utilities, janitorial services, cable bills, marketing expenses, equipment- invoices where you don’t care about the line item detail, just the category.
What you can do with these invoices:
- Immediately pay them using the Bill Pay module
- Automatically export them to accounting
- Optionally attach images or documents
- Enjoy a faster way to account for category-level costs to see overall performance in category reports like Budgets and your P&L
How to do it: follow the steps below to create the invoice and the expenses will be automatically added as category totals to your reports. Once completed, it will automatically populate to reporting and be eligible to be paid.
1. From Orders > Orders, Click on the "Add Invoice" button, you will see a split arrow to click. From that dropdown, click on "Create Invoice".
2. From the box that pops up, click on the "One Time Invoice".
3. Select "Category-level detail" and click "Next".
What if I want "Line-item detail"? Click here for more information on that. (TL:DR you are creating a shell invoice to allow you to pay a vendor quickly, but it still requires an invoice upload.)
4. Start by choosing the Vendor. The dropdown list will show all of your existing vendors.
If you want to create an invoice for a vendor that is not in your account already, please send an email to to ask and let them know the new vendor's name.
5. Choose an invoice date using the date selector.

6. The Invoice Number is optional; if you leave it blank we will populate it with the date of when the invoice was created.
7. Next choose the Payment Account. The default is Accounts Payable, but you can choose any active Payment Account you desire.

8. Choose the appropriate Category from the drop down list and fill in the corresponding amount. Remember, there are no vendor items or products on this invoice.

9. If there are any additional fees, taxes, charges you can enter those as well. We will automatically generate a total for you.
*Please note that invoices cannot be created with expenses for any Labor categories.

10. If you have any attachments you want to include, you can do that at the very bottom under Backup Documents by clicking "Attach file". You can include multiple documents here if desired. Once uploaded, the file name will show to provide you confirmation of success.
11. When you are finished, click "Create Invoice"!
It's now closed! It will populate through your reports and is available to pay in Bill Pay if desired.