Once you've uploaded an invoice image to MarginEdge, we'll keep it digitally and you can download these images at any time.
There are several places to download invoice images in the software.
How to download a single invoice image
Go to your Orders screen and select the invoice you're looking for (there's a search bar at the top to help find your invoice quickly.) Click to view the order.
Click on the photo thumbnail to view the image. It will open in a new tab and above this image will be a button that allows you to download this image as a PDF:
Here's a video detailing how to find and download a single image
How to download multiple invoices
If you want to download multiple invoice images at once, the best place to do this is the Category Report. This report can be found by going to Performance > Category Report.
You can select the date range (your current period will be your default) and you filter down to view invoices from a single vendor.
Once you've set your parameters, press the view invoices button to see all the invoices.
The top of this screen will have a button called "Download PDF" which will allow you to download all the previewed invoice images as a PDF.
Here's a video showing you how to view and/or download multiple invoice images at once