There are a few examples shown below that we simply cannot process in MarginEdge because they are missing one of the three basic requirements:
1) Vendor
2) Line Items with prices
3) An Invoice Total that isn't $0
Note that we cannot process an invoice that is written in any language other than English or French. Read more about what is required for processing here.
What happens if I upload an invoice that is missing these things, or they are illegible or incomplete?
1) If we can see these elements are present but cannot read something, are missing a page, or have a cropped or blurry image with information cut off, we will not be able to process it. We will make two attempts to contact you and request a new image; if we get no response, we will delete the invoice.
2) If any of these elements are missing entirely, the document will be deleted and you will be notified via email.
To set who receives these emails, you can adjust your Notification Settings.
1) Statements:
This includes statements from vendors, credit card statements and tax statements.
Vendor Statement
Credit Card Statement
Tax Statement
2) Packaging slips and delivery tickets/slips/notes:
These generally contain only packaging details with no information on price.
Delivery Ticket
Packaging Slip
3) Request for pickup or pickup slips
We don’t process Request for Pickups or Pickup slips. These generally contain only packaging details with no information on price.
Request for pickup
Pick Up Ticket
4) Shipping order, bill of landing, consignment receipt or courier receipts:
We don’t process Shipping order, bill of landing, consignment receipt or courier receipts, they do not contain information on price.
Shipping order
Bill of Landing
Consignment Receipt
5) Invoices with zero printed total:
When an invoice has a zero-amount invoice total we don’t process it.
6) Duplicate invoices with exactly the same details:
We will not process duplicate invoices received for a second time without any new information.
7) Check from vendor to client:
We are unable to process as there are no line items details.
8) Work Ticket or Service Ticket:
we cannot process such items as there are no line items and price information.
Work Ticket
Service Ticket
9) Labor report:
This includes your payroll cost for a billing cycle, and we can’t process it as there are no line items or price details.
11) Transaction Receipt:
This includes transactions made on the credit/debit card and we can’t process it as there are no line items or price details.
12) Transit receipt:
This includes purchases of goods and items that are in transit, you have paid for it but have not physically received it.
13) Invoices with dates outside of your approved date range.
Unless you have paid for back-processing, MarginEdge will only process 7 days of historical invoices. This date range begins from 7 days back from the day you enter your subscription payment info into MarginEdge.
For example, if you entered your payment info into MarginEdge on March 8, we will process invoices starting on March 1. If you submit an invoice dated in February, we will automatically delete it.