You have a few options regarding how to get your invoice images into MarginEdge. By far the most popular choice is using our app on your phone or tablet. You can email them in using your unique, personalized email address. And you can also upload directly from the web browser. And bonus move, if you don't have an invoice, you can create an invoice in MarginEdge!
Read below to get all the step-by-step details!
Related articles you might find helpful:
File Format & Size Limits for MarginEdge
Invoice FAQs
What We Can Process and What We Cannot Process
First Step
Ensure you are logged in to the correct unit!
If you have access to multiple units, it's easy to forget to switch before either using the app or uploading from the browser. We generally trust that you meant to put an invoice in the location we find it in, so we will process it even if the "Bill to" address is another unit. (Though you can move it later if you goofed.)
Uploading from your Phone
Yes, we have an app! With the MarginEdge app on your mobile device, you can quickly upload one invoice or dozens and see their status. The MarginEdge app is available and free for iPhones and Android phones. To get the app, search for “marginedge” in the App Store (iPhones) or Play Store (android phones) and download it to install.
To upload an invoice using the MarginEdge app:
1. The screen will default to showing you any of your recent uploads. To take a new picture, click the blue icon at the bottom that says "CAPTURE NEW INVOICE".
2. You will immediately see the camera screen allowing you to take a picture. Be sure to fit the entire invoice in the screen. Once you take the photo, if you are happy with it, click "USE THIS PHOTO". Or click "RETAKE" if it looks blurry.
If you get a pop up warning you of a possible blurry image, you can choose to retake or to accept it as is. See this article for more help: Tips for Taking Great Invoice Photos
3. Please do one page per photo! If you need to add more pages, click to "ADD PAGE" as many times as needed.
4. Once you are finished, click the blue "SUBMIT". That's it! Your invoice is now permanently stored in your store's [me] virtual filing cabinet.
Uploading via Email
If you receive a bill or invoice by email and want to get it into MarginEdge, simply forward the email or invoice to your restaurant's unique invoice email inbox, which can be found by going to the Orders > Setup Page and scrolling to the Invoice Email section. You can also use this email address if you want to ask a vendor to automatically email your invoices straight to us.
PRO TIP: It's not our support team that processes invoices, so please don't send them directly to And if you CC help@marginedge when emailing your invoices, it will slow down the process, so please don't do that either!
Uploading from MarginEdge in your Browser
From the Orders page, you will see the "Add Invoice" button. When the options drop down, select "Upload Invoice" and upload documents directly from there. When you click on this a box pops up to select files from your computer. You have a lot of flexibility in what you upload using this, but please be mindful of invoices with multiple pages!
Tips for success:
- If you have a multi-page invoice, please submit as one cohesive file without any other invoices in it. Or, if you have each page saved as a separate file, please ensure that every single page contains both the vendor name and invoice number on it so that we can match them together.
- If you have scanned multiple independent invoices into one PDF file for your own records, please DO NOT upload this one giant file to [me]. It is very challenging for our team to separate this document into individual invoices. One multi-page invoice as one file is great; 5 invoices from different vendors uploaded as one file is, well, not as great.
- The pop up box defaults to only allowing you to select image files. If you want to to upload Word documents or PDFs, you will need to adjust the settings at the bottom and click "All File Types" (Or click "Options" on a Mac) in order to be able to select those files.
Attach an Image to an Existing Invoice
If you have already have an invoice in MarginEdge, but need to add an image to it for your records, you can go to your Orders page and search for the invoice. Click to open it and at the top, you will see a green button that says "Add Photo". Click on this and select the file that you want to include here.
Don't Have an Invoice?
You can manually create a Category-Level invoice for invoices for which you either don't have an image handy, or don't need an image. To learn more about this option, see this article: Manual Category-Level Invoices.
OR, if you are in a hurry to pay a vendor and need a place holder to get that check issued, see this article: Just Pay a Vendor - Creating an Invoice to Pay
Related articles you might find helpful:
File Format & Size Limits for MarginEdge
Invoice FAQs
What We Can Process and What We Cannot Process