When you sync an inventory from your scale to MarginEdge, each location in the scale will appear as a count sheet of the same name, in a "saved" status. If you see status of “Needs Attention”, then there are items we have not seen before and we need your help to either connect it to a product or to fill in the missing category, report-by or price. The inventory cannot be closed if there are items that need to be configured.
Note that this only has to be done once - after you have configured this item, it will flow through automatically on future inventories!
The video guides you through and below that are step-by-step instructions to offer broad guidance.
Step-by-Step Configuring Items
Once you have a successful data sync, your count sheet will appear in your Inventory > Inventories (likely with "FP" as part of the name). Each location on the scale will be on a separate count sheet in MarginEdge.
1) Click on the line showing the inventory count sheet so you can start working on the items with the missing information.
2) Now you will see a summary of the number of items that need configuration. Click on the box with a cross to expand your view.
3) You will then see which items still require either a category, report by, or price value. Click on the line where the blue hyperlinks are to open the item.
4) If this is an unmatched barcode, a box will pop up and we will ask you to search your existing products to see if there's a match. (If you have ordered this item before, there's a good chance it exists but this barcode is just different from our what we have in our system.)
Click the dropdown menu and start typing to see if there is an existing product. Choose the correct product and if none is found, click the last option to add "New Product". Then click "Continue Configuration".
In this example below, you will be able to select "El Toro Silver Tequila" since it's an existing product in your unit's [me] database. However, if no applicable options appeared, you would select the last option that shows "(New Product)" and a you would then proceed to create a new product with that name.
4) A box will pop up next to ask you for the essential information about this product: name, category, count by, price. Please confirm each of these (and don't worry too much about the other options for now). And if you aren't totally sure of the price, make your best guess so we can calculate your inventory value now. When we see this product on an invoice, the price will automatically update for you with the latest correct value.
5. Once you click "SAVE" on this pop up box, it will take you back to the open inventory. If you have other items that need to be configured, then you can click right on those from within the edit inventory page.
Once all tasks are completed, you will need to click to SAVE at the very bottom as well!
Note that If a new item is on multiple count sheets within the same days' scanning session it will need to be configured separately on each count sheet. But the next time you scan it will not require you to configure them again!