This feature is a robust system for transferring items from a central commissary to your other restaurants.
Video Overview
Key Features
- Products and recipes can be transferred from one central location to multiple locations, all within [me]
- Input your own recipes with up-to-date, dynamic pricing
- Generate order guides for easy ordering
- Place an order, track it and edit it all within MarginEdge
- Get email notification of any orders created
- Generate Prep lists and Pack lists for easy planning
- Input notes on the order for clear communication
- See the transfers reflected on MarginEdge Performance Reports
- Sync the information with your accounting system as journal entries
We want this to help ease the back and forth of placing, tracking and fulfilling orders!
How Does This Work?
- We set up your Commissary Kitchen as a Vendor within its home location.
- You create commissary recipes that [me] automatically converts to a product for easy ordering; prices stay updated automatically based on your purchases.
- If needed, you create vendor items with a set price which [me] automatically converts to products available for ordering
- Set up the order guide for all connected restaurants to utilize for ordering commissary products
- Your other restaurants place an order from the commissary kitchen vendor, generating an order and a resulting invoice for full tracking of inventory and costs.
- Managers can easily see, edit, and fulfill inbound orders.
- Download a Prep List that summarizes the total orders and a Pack List that helps organize the deliveries.
- Set up the appropriate payment accounts and then export all transfers as journal entries to your accounting system.
Once the setup is complete, the Commissary location has a new tab in the Navigation Bar called "Inbound Orders".
Can This Work for My Company?
This feature is designed to facilitate transfers from a central commissary kitchen to your other restaurants and is restricted for use within units that share the same Company Concept in MarginEdge. One location is designated as the “Commissary” and will then be the only unit allowed to create Commissary Items and manage Commissary orders. All other units within the same Company Concept will be able to place an order in MarginEdge as if ordering from any other vendors.
This feature is designed for you IF:
- You have one central commissary location and it services multiple locations.
- You want your commissary orders to just reflect the latest ingredients costs when recording the transfer expenses.
This feature probably won't work well for you IF:
- You want to mark up the prices of the recipes/products you are transferring
- Your commissary sells items to outside companies and you want to track those expenses/sales.
- You want to be able to sell commissary products to the commissary itself.
MarginEdge can support a unit having multiple Commissary Kitchens set up. We strongly recommend very different names and different product names so that the order and fulfillment processes do not get confused between them!
Note: If you have recipes/products that are made at your commissary and transferred out to other (MarginEdge) units, but may also need to be transferred back to the commissary, you can use our Internal Transfer feature for transferring the products and costs back to the commissary or to other [me] units.
How is this different from Internal Transfers?
One key difference - Recipes! Our Internal Transfer feature is only capable of transferring products, not recipes. This is great for moving defined products back and forth between locations. But when you also need to move batched recipes, prepped cambros of food or secret sauces, the Commissary feature is the only thing equipped to take those recipes and turn them into products that are ready to be transferred. The Commissary, however, can only move items from the commissary location to your other locations. So if you are then needing to move any batched food back, it will originate in and go out through the commissary, and can then return through an internal transfer.