I have an export error, what do I do?
We're going to show you how to find out what the error is, resolve the common ones, and get that data to your accounting system pronto!
Please note that once an invoice is in error, the software will not automatically attempt to send it again, even if the error clears. So once you have resolved the issue, go back to your Accounting > Export page, select the invoice in error and press Send to attempt to export again.
There is a sister article that covers Payment Errors; this article is specifically about Invoice Errors.
Uncovering the Error
On the accounting export page, you can adjust your filter to show only exports in error. Just click on the "Filter" button next to the date selector and choose the "Error" status. To see what is causing an export error, you can click on the word “Error” in red to pull up an audit trail of the export history of your invoice and see the last response from your accounting system describing the error.
Common Invoice Export Errors
Duplicate Document Error
A duplicate document error indicates that the invoice you are attempting to export is already in your accounting system (i.e. an invoice with the same invoice number from the same vendor).
Example Messages
"org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response status: 400 {"Fault":{"Error":[{"Message":"Duplicate Document Number Error","Detail":"Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used. DocNumber=#### is assigned to TxnType=Bill with TxnId=###","code":"6140","element":""}],"type":"ValidationFault"},"time":"####"
How to fix it
If this invoice is already in your accounting system you can skip exporting this invoice from MarginEdge or delete the version in your accounting system to be able to export.
Missing Category Mapping
This error indicates one of the categories on your invoice has not been mapped to a corresponding account in your accounting system.
Example Messages
Category is not mapped to a Quickbooks Account: ####
Accounting code is not mapped: ####
Category is not mapped to an InfoSync category.
How to fix it
To fix this go to the accounting > categories page and map any missing categories. For instructions on how to do this, check out this article on the topic.
The period is Closed, Invoice Cannot Be Exported (Without Changing the Posting Date)
Most accounting systems will not allow invoices to be exported to closed accounting periods or accounting periods outside the current period.
Example Messages
`org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response status: 400 {"Fault":{"Error":[{"Message":"Account Period Closed..."
“..An attempt was made to modify a General Journal transaction with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing…”
”…An attempt was made to modify a Bill with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date…”
How to Fix It
To resolve you can either change the invoice date or skip exporting the invoice.
Vendor ID Should be a Valid Number, Supplied value: null
If you attempt to export an invoice for a vendor that has not been mapped to a vendor in your accounting system, your accounting system will reject this export because a necessary value (the vendor) is null (isn't mapped).
Example Messages
org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response status: 400 {"Fault":{"Error":[{"Message":"Invalid ID","Detail":"Id should be a valid number. Supplied value:null","code":"####","element":"Id"}],"type":"ValidationFault"}}
How to Fix It
Go to the Accounting > Vendor Mapping page, find the vendor and map it (for full instructions on vendor mapping, check out this article on the topic). Then go to the Accounting > Export page, select the invoice, and press "Send". If the vendor is already mapped you will need to manually export the invoice as it is in error status. Go to the Accounting > Export page, select the invoice, and press "Send".
Payment Account is Not Mapped
f an invoice is closed to a payment account that has not been mapped to the corresponding balance sheet account in your accounting system, the invoice will not be exportable.
Example Messages
Payment Account (Payment Account Name) is not mapped to an accounting system account. Map this account on Accounting > Payment Accounts.
How to Fix It
Go to the Accounting > Payment Accounts page, find the listed payment account, and map it (for full instructions on vendor mapping, check out this article on the topic). Then go to the Accounting > Export page, select the invoice, and press "Send". If the Payment Account is already mapped you will need to manually export the invoice as it is in error status. Go to the Accounting > Export page, select the invoice, and press "Send".