Welcome to the M3 + MarginEdge integration informational guide to provide you with a helpful understanding of the process and some tips and tricks you will want to know in order to make the best use of this integration. There are 2 primary components to the integration and 1 optional piece. Below is a self-help guide to this process.
How Information Flows from M3 to MarginEdge
These transfers take place via Secure FTP in the format of an XML file. MarginEdge has access to this site and receives our vendor files and places your invoice files for us to import.
MarginEdge may require assistance from you regarding your initial set up by providing the company and property IDs from M3 for the pair you desire to use in their product. This can be found in the company / property set up in the upper left corner of that screen as shown below:
Company ID:
Property ID:
Note: Oftentimes the company and property IDs are the same for each combination; however, that is not a requirement in our system that they match. Be sure to provide them with the correct IDs if asked, to avoid file validation failures on the invoice import portion of the process.
Vendor Integration from M3 to MarginEdge
We provide an initial vendor load file to MarginEdge upon request and approval from you. This file represents all the current vendors in your M3 database. They may not all be used depending upon which companies you have elected to use in the MarginEdge application. Once this initial file has been sent, we set up a recurring nightly transfer that represents any new or edited vendor set up activity since the previous file transfer. Below are some helpful things to know in preparation for and set up of vendors.
- Vendors you anticipate using on MarginEdge should have a Vendor Number associated with them. This helps in the validation process ensuring the proper invoices are imported to the correct vendor. Note this is NOT a required field in M3 so you may have to edit your vendor records to furnish this number. Below is an example:
- Vendors should NOT include special characters in the name ESPECIALLY the &. This sign does not translate well in XML and will render a NON MATCH for the vendor record causing your invoice files to fail. If you feel you need a character in the name for checks use the legal name. See below:
Do NOT do this:
Special Notes for Vendor Transfer: These transfers are NOT instant. The file we send runs at 2:30am. If you set a vendor record up in M3 it will not be available in MarginEdge until the following day. If you need it immediately, you can enter it manually in both systems HOWEVER…make sure it is exactly the same so future vendor failures will not result.
3. Vendors will also need to be assigned (not used) at the property level to populate the initial vendor load file and nightly export jobs that we send to MarginEdge
Invoice Import Feed from MarginEdge to M3
Once you have successfully completed your work in MarginEdge that effort will result in the creation of a return XML file that is sent to us via the same Secure FTP site. The MarginEdge team will instruct you on how to use their system. A sample of what the file looks like when it comes back to us is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<AccKnowledge xmlns="urn:schemas-m3as-com:DataWatch-Invoice" Type="Invoice" Customer="Sample">
<Name>Creative Breakfast Concepts</Name>
<Description>PO Number: </Description>
Note: ONE invoice record per file should be submitted. This makes troubleshooting failures easier.
A brief understanding of how the file validation works is prudent at this time to help understand why files will fail to import when sent to us. Validation starts with the Customer at the top of the file. Then moves through the company and property ID furnished. Then to the vendor number and name. Post Date period MUST be OPEN IN M3 and finally the GL detail account number. IF ANY OF THESE ARE INVALID OR MISSING THE FILE WILL FAIL TO IMPORT.
NOTE: MarginEdge exports invoice images to M3, including PDF files. But M3 cannot accept CSV files. So if your invoice "image" is actually a CSV file, which might includes any EDI invoices, please note it will not export. You can either upload the invoice image into MarginEdge and re-export, you can manually enter the invoice into M3 if you want documentation there. We are actively working to resolve this issue.
Most Common Failures
- Company or Property ID are wrong
- Vendor Number Missing or Wrong
- Vendor Name does not Exist or special Character used (Remember the &) in XML the use of this character comes over in the file as AT&T where your vendor may be AT&T. This will never match the record in our system.
- Invoice file contains a CSV and the attachment does not export
Invoice files are processed as soon as they are placed on the SFTP site. They will import, if formed correctly as pending invoices in AP for the vendor(s) associated. At this time, you may choose to edit the file, scan and attach your images and post the transaction.
If your invoice "image" is actually a CSV file, which might include any EDI invoices, please note that the attachment will not export. Your invoice data will still export, but there will not be any attachment as M3 does not accept CSV files.
How can I tell if my files are successful or have failed?
From inside Acknowledge navigate to the Maintenance item on the top toolbar. Select Maintenance > Import > Log Viewer as shown below:
Once the grid loads with the logs, click on the STATUS column. This will organize the grid based upon the 2 conditions (Success or Failed) See below:
Locate a Failed Record shown in RED and click on the BUTTON View Log File. Here the log will display. You can scroll through the log to find the reason the file failed. In the example below you will see the failure result was NO Vendor Record Match was found:
Note: Failures will need to be manually entered into M3 or MarginEdge contacted to resubmit the file once the error condition has been corrected. If the file cannot be corrected and RESENT
The last OPTIONAL file feed that you can request is a return Payment file from M3 back to MarginEdge to clear the payable record in their System. THIS IS NOT SET UP BY DEFAULT and MUST be requested at the time of set up.
Final Important Note: IMAGES CAN NOT BE TRANSFERRED BETWEEN THE TWO SYSTEMS. You must scan and attach your images to the imported record once it is in M3.
Additional Help
If you require any assistance with the M3 process, submission of a work order or email to techsupport@m3as.com is suggested. If you have questions regarding the MarginEdge product or actions on that system, please email help@marginedge.com