Here you can find more information about the specifics of our two EDI modes, meaning this is how our software interacts with the digital invoices your vendors send us. There are also instructions at the bottom on how you can change the mode at any time.
(1) Trust your Manager (Process Images, with EDI Backup)
Be notified of a missing invoice and ensure you hold your vendors accountable with every handwritten adjustment.
- MarginEdge relies on your uploaded invoice images and will use any EDI data received to process your invoices more efficiently and accurately.
- Handwritten adjustments will be used to generate a credit, and any EDI credit memos will be ignored.
- If no invoice image is received, EDI invoices will be flagged in your Weekly Snapshot email for approval. If no approval is given, they will automatically be deleted after 28 days.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will default to Combined.
What do I do about "Image Pending"?
In Trust your Manager mode, we will not process the EDI data without an invoice image. So if we have received the digital invoice, but not your image, it will say “Image Pending”. You will need to upload the invoice image in order to have this invoice processed.
In addition to getting alerts in your Weekly Snapshot Email, you can at any point, log into MarginEdge and check to see which invoices are in a pending state.
From the side Navigation Bar, click on Accounting > Reconciliation
When this page loads, you will see a quick snapshot at the top regarding how many items are either waiting or needing your attention. You can search for a specific item or use the drop-down box to filter by the category that you would like to see.
Missing Image (Image Pending) – This means that MarginEdge has received the EDI Invoice or Credit from the Vendor but has not received the corresponding Image of the Invoice or, in the case of a credit, the image of the Credit Memo itself or the Invoice showing a handwritten adjustment.
When you click on the line item for an invoice that shows a Missing Image, you will get this pop-up box:
From this box, you can quickly reconcile the issue.
- If you have the correct image, you can click “Upload Image” and attach the image to the document. It will then automatically go to In Reconciliation mode for system approval.
- If you want to approve this EDI invoice without the corresponding image, you can click “Approve Without Image”. You will then have to confirm this choice by clicking “Confirm” in the subsequent pop-up box.
- If you are certain this invoice is incorrect or not needed, you can simply “Delete” it. You will have to confirm this choice by clicking “Confirm” in the subsequent pop-up box. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.
Do I still need to upload invoice images?
Yes! Our Trust the Manager mode still relies heavily on invoice images and your credits will only be recorded from your hand-written adjustments.
What if I forget to upload an invoice (or don't have an image)?
If we received EDI data for an invoice but did not receive the image, you will see this flagged in your Weekly Snapshot email. You have the choice to click through and manually approve the invoice to be processed using just the the EDI data, or from there you can attach an image. If you do not approve this EDI-only invoice, it will automatically delete after 28 days.
Will you still process handwritten invoice adjustments?
Yes, this is the only way you will have record of your credits! Keep uploading those invoices to continue receiving this great feature.
If you want the credits to be immediately removed from the invoice total so that you see one invoice with an adjusted total, keep the Handwritten Vendor Credit Process mode on "Combined". If you want the invoice total to show the original total and the credit to be recorded as a separate adjustment, choose "Combined". Instructions on changing this setting are below, and further details are here: How Will MarginEdge Handle Handwritten Adjustments on my Invoices?
(2) Trust Your Vendor (Process EDI, No Handwritten Adjustments)
Simple & efficient, these invoice process quickly behind the scenes. Relies on full trust in the Vendor to send accurate data.
- MarginEdge relies exclusively on EDI data from the vendor to process your invoices.
- EDI credits from the vendor will be automatically processed, no reconciling required.
- You may continue to upload invoice images for record-keeping, but handwritten adjustments on invoice images will be ignored.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will automatically be locked to Skipped.
Do I still need to upload invoice images?
Only if you want a record of the invoice image! We will automatically process the invoice without the image.
Will you still process handwritten invoice adjustments?
Any handwritten adjustments that are on the invoice will not be used in any reporting. All credits sent via EDI by your vendor will be processed and recorded as a separate order.
Why do I see an "Adjusted Total" on my invoice?
If you submitted an invoice with handwritten adjustments, you may still see those reflected with an adjusted Quantity and a reduced "Invoice Total" when you click in to see the order details. These are a result of the standard process all invoices go through. However, when you are in the Trust your Vendor mode, the "Original Total Price" is the invoice total that will be used throughout MarginEdge - it shows as the invoice total on the Orders screen, Bill Pay and the Food Usage Report (among others). Yes, the adjustment was noted, but the software knows not to use that adjustment as it populates that data in your reporting.
Changing your Settings
To change your EDI settings for a particular vendor, you must edit the Vendor itself.
In the Navigation Bar, select Vendors > Vendors, then click on the particular Vendor you want to edit.
Click the “Edit Vendor” Button:
Now scroll all the way down to the bottom to the Invoice Configuration Section. From here you have the two options in the drop down box.
Choose one and click Save!
1 – Process Images, with EDI Backup (TRUST YOUR MANAGER)
Here you can also change your "Handwritten Vendor Credit Process mode to Combined or Separate.