You can add a brand new user to the system, or you can give an existing user access to additional units within your company. All users can add a new user with the same level of access or with any more restricted access. For example, a Restaurant Admin can add a user with any role, while a Manager can add a user with either Manager or User access only.
If you have MarginEdge Admin permissions in multiple units, you can also add/edit/remove a user in these units at one time.
For detailed information about the various roles, visit What are the different user permissions in MarginEdge?
The steps are similar, but you can select the right option below to jump to specific instructions:
Adding a brand new user to MarginEdge
Giving an existing user access to an additional unit
Remove a user's access from one or all units
Adding a brand new user to MarginEdge:
- On the main menu, select Setup > Users, and then click the “+ Invite a New User” button.
- Enter the new user's email address, and then select their "Role". The role refers to the level of access the user will have - "Restaurant Admin", "Accountant", "Manager", or "User".
- To give someone multiple roles, hold the "control" button ("command" on a mac) while selecting the roles on the screen.
- The MarginEdge Admin is a separate check box and it supersedes all individual roles. Use with caution.
- For detailed information about the various roles, visit What are the different user permissions in MarginEdge?
- If the new user will have access to multiple locations, check the box "Select more restaurants..." to select which units to which you want to invite this new user. Note that the person adding this new user must have ME Admin permissions at all units to which they want to give the new user access.
- Scroll down and click "Invite".
- Assuming this person is new to MarginEdge, you'll see a new prompt.
Set the "Login" name for the new user. This is the what they will use to login and can be any combination of letters not already in use by a user.- Most common is to use their first name + last initial (such as “rebeccad”) or first initial + last name (such as "rdavidson"), but these are just suggestions. You can also set their email address for their login name, but regardless of what you choose, the username must be entered in all lowercase.
- If you enter one that's already in use by someone else, you'll be warned when you hit the "Invite" button at the end and will need to enter a new one.
- Enter the user's first and last name, and then click the "Invite" button again to finish. The user will immediately receive an email from "" with a link to set up their password.
- If they don't receive the email, you can always go back in and click to resend their invitation.
- Passwords must contain:
- Minimum of 8 characters
- Must include lower case, upper case, a number, and special characters (!@#$%^&*)
- Cannot be one of the last 5 passwords you've used before.
- Cannot include any of your personal data (your name, phone number, etc.)
- Cannot include commonly used phrases (i.e. can't include the word "password")
Giving an existing user access to an additional unit
- On the main menu, select Setup > Users, and then either click the “+ Invite a New User” button or search for their name and select it. (In this case, "new user" can just mean a user that is new to the unit.)
- Enter the user's email address, and then select their "Role". The role refers to the level of access the user will have - "Restaurant Admin", "Accountant", "Manager", or "User".
- To give someone multiple roles, hold the "control" button ("command" on a mac) while selecting the roles on the screen.
- The MarginEdge Admin is a separate check box and it supersedes all individual roles. Use with caution.
For detailed information about the various roles, visit What are the different user permissions in MarginEdge?
- If the new user will have access to multiple locations, check the box "Select additional restaurants..." to select which units to which you want to invite this new user. Note that the person adding this new user must have ME Admin permissions at all units to which they want to give the new user access.
- Click "Invite". Assuming this user already has access to one or more other units, then once you click "Invite" you're done. If instead, you see additional fields of "Login", "First Name" and "Last Name", then the user email you are using does NOT already have access to MarginEdge. (If needed, see steps #5 and #6 above in the instructions directly above.)
Remove a user's access from one or all units:
- On the main menu, select Setup > Users, and then use the search bar to find the user in the list. Click anywhere on the row for that user to go to the "Edit a User" page for the user.
- At the bottom right of the page, click on the "Remove Access" button. If you are an ME Admin, then you will see a split button. Click on the arrow if you want to remove the user from all units, otherwise just click "Remove Access".
- You will be presented with a confirmation box. Click the "Remove Access" button again to confirm. The user will immediately lose access. There is no 'delete user' option in MarginEdge. Once you have removed access for a user from all units, they can no longer log-in to MarginEdge.