You can set any recipe you create to be available to count on Inventory, either when you create the recipe or at any time later. It's important to know that when you count the recipe on inventory, the separate ingredients will be broken up proportionally and displayed as individual products in reports such as the Food Usage Report. So the category cost breakdown of a recipe will reflect it's constituent parts. This article will show you how to do this.
Steps to Inventory a Recipe
1. Find the recipe you want by clicking into the appropriate navigation section.
2. Find and click on the recipe, and then click "Edit Recipe"
3. Under the "Recipe Settings" section, check the “Recipe should be inventoried” box.
When you check this box, you’ll see a dropdown list of inventory your count sheets. Select the desired one and choose a section if applicable. To add to multiple count sheets, click the blue “+Add to a Count Sheet” button and repeat the process; to remove it, click the trashcan icon to the right of the count sheet name.
4. Adjusting the Count By Unit
By default, your count by unit of measure will be the value you set in the recipe’s yield. In the Coconut Pancake example above, this recipe would default to counting by the "batch".
However, you can change the count by to something other than the total yield of the recipe.
Click the box, “I count this recipe by something other than its yield.”
Enter the unit of measure you would like to count the recipe by (in the example here, by the each); enter how many of this new unit of measure are in the total yield of the recipe.
(In this case, the there are 20 each in 1 batch)
You can only add one additional count by unit to a recipe. Should you need additional ways to count a recipe, consider creating another recipe that pulls the specific portion size from the original recipe to create the new unit of measure you desire. This will keep the original recipe as the only one you need to maintain, should any ingredient changes be necessary.
Note: When you count the recipe on inventory, the separate ingredients will be broken up proportionally and displayed as individual products in reports such as the Food Usage Report.