If you want tighter control over your invoice process, you can require that invoices be approved in MarginEdge before being sent to your accounting system. You can specify that every single invoice requires approval, or you can easily set rules to limit the approval requirement to certain vendors or expense categories with charges exceeding certain amounts.
To access this feature and edit your invoices through Mobile, you must FIRST set up Invoice Approval in the web app.
For instructions on how to use this feature in the web app, go here: Using Invoice Approval. There are aspects to this feature, like editing products, that are only available in the web app.
Approving the Invoice
When you log in to the mobile app, you will now see a new box up top called "Your Tasks"
If you have invoices to approve, it will show up here (assuming that you have the correct user permissions for such a task).
Clicking in this box will take you straight to the the filtered view of all invoices needing approval. You can also access this list through the invoices tab in the nav bar.
Here you will see a list (with a running total) of all invoices awaiting your attention. There is a bright orange dot next to any invoice that contains at least one new product or vendor item.
When you click into the invoice itself, you will land on the Invoice Details page. It gives you a high level view of the invoice, with options to expand for more details:
- Expand to see payment account, and taxes, delivery, other fees
- Expand on a product to see more details like packaging, or you can also select expand-all to see the details on every product at once.
- Toggle over to see the "Image Uploads", allowing you to see the image and then easily switch your view between the two.
If the invoice is all set, you can click "Approve" at any point and watch your countdown dwindle to zero!
Editing the Invoice or Products
If you want to edit the invoice, you can click on the pencil icon next to Invoice Details, which takes you to an editing screen.
If you want to edit the products, you can click on the pencil icon next to each product. (See below)
Note: If this invoice has already been sent to your accounting system, you will receive a pop up message alerting you that the changes won't be synced!
Edit the Invoice
Here, you can edit the:
- Invoice number
Note: we will not allow you to enter an invoice number that is already in use for this vendor - Date
Using the calendar drop down, you will see today's date in blue and a blue circle around the invoice's current date - Payment Account
To add a new payment account, you must do this in the web app.
Click "Save Changes" once you are done editing the invoice.
Edit the Product
When you are editing the Product, you can adjust the product name and the category from within the mobile app.
Click "Save Changes" once you are done editing the product.
And then be sure click the blue "Approve" button and you're on to the next one!