MarginEdge allows you to add multiple report-by units, or "count-bys" as we often call them, on your food and beverage products so that when you take inventory, you can easily count your products using different units. Maybe you want to count your chicken by the pound and by the case. Or you just want the simplicity of one product for that liquor that sometimes comes in as 750 mL and sometimes comes in a 1 L bottle.
Below is a video overview and step by step to explain how to add it and how it will show on your reports.
How do I add a new count-by?
Step by Step
Count-bys on products are added from the Edit Products screen.
Go to Products > View All Products Then select a product and click to "Edit Product".
From the Edit Product screen, scroll down to the section called "Units Counted on Inventory". By default, you should see your primary Count-By (called Report-By).
To add another unit, click the "Add Inventory Units" button and you should see a box pop up:
From this box, you can specify how else you would like to count this product.
"Name on Inventory" can be whatever nickname you want it to be to help your take accurate inventory.
Currently, you can only add another count-by using the same unit of measure family as your primary count-by. So in this example, we count this product by the pound, so we can select other weight count-bys. If you count by the fluid oz, you’ll be able to count by other volume count-bys.
- If you are part of a multi-unit group, then you will have the option to "Restrict Count-by to this restaurant". Check this to ensure it only shows in the restaurant you are currently working in; by default it will otherwise be shared across all units.
Once you’ve specified your additional count-by, click the Add Unit button.
Click the Save button!
Once saved, your new count-bys will appear on your count sheets.
Taking Inventory
Taking inventory works similar to how it does today, with the exception of now being able to have multiple count-bys on a product. Here is an example of what an active count sheet looks like with multiple count-bys:
How will this look on your reports?
Once you close your inventory, we roll up all your counts into your primary “Report-By” unit. Your Report-By is the same as the count-by you have set up on your product today.
To demonstrate, take the following count sheet that has 5 counts of chicken counted by the pound and another 5 counts of 10 pound Cases of chicken.
When you close your inventory, MarginEdge will automatically calculate how much product you have using the primary “Report-By” unit. In this example, the primary Report-By is “Pound”, which means this client will see 55 pounds of chicken on their reports.