Step by step instructions on how to connect your SkyTab POS to MarginEdge.
Login to MarginEdge and go to Setup > Integrations
Type in “SkyTab” and select “SkyTab (Shift4)”
Click “Connect to SkyTab Shift4”
Login to SkyTab and click “Allow”
Note: Your user login needs to have the “Marketplace” permission in order to connect SkyTab to MarginEdge.
Once you click “Allow” you should be redirected back to MarginEdge. Once there, select your Location name from the dropdown and tell us the hour that your restaurant closes. Click Submit.
Navigate to Labor > Setup
Click on "Manage Time Sheet Rules"
Select “Set Custom Overtime Rules” and fill out the fields based on your overtime structure. Here's a little cheat sheet if you need some guidance:
Let us know when you’re complete so we can finish setup for you!
If you’re still in in onboarding email
If you’re not in onboarding anymore then please email
Things to note about this integration
SkyTab reports include surcharges in Gross Sales amounts. MarginEdge breaks out surcharges separately from sales amounts so they can be sent separately to the accounting system. This means that some of the gross sales amounts in reports might not match 100%. If sales and surcharges are summed in MarginEdge then they should equal the value in SkyTab.
Cash Tips
We do not receive cash tip information from SkyTab. We receive their credit card tips, but we do not get anything for cash tips. This means that if you track cash tips then your sales entries may not be balanced. If you track cash tips then please reach out to and our support team can help adjust your sales entry setup to remove tips so your sales entry will balance. You may also manually adjust your sales entries to add cash tips to balance your sales entries.
In MarginEdge all tax amounts are summed together into one “Taxes” line. This means that the tax amount in MarginEdge will equal the sum of the tax amounts in SkyTab. Taxes can be broken out by type in MarginEdge on request (please reach out to for this request).
Modifier Sets (“Pre-Modifiers”) will not be in MarginEdge
In MarginEdge, modifiers will not display the Modifier Set they belong to. This makes it difficult to distinguish between modifiers if they appear in multiple sets.
For example, if a modifier is included in one set for removing a product and in another set for adding it, you'll need to create separate modifiers for each action. For instance, if "Bacon" is part of a modifier set called "Remove" and also part of a set called "Add," you will only see "Bacon" in MarginEdge, without knowing whether it is meant to "Remove Bacon" or "Add Bacon."
To avoid confusion, we recommend creating distinct buttons for each action, such as labeling buttons for "Remove" explicitly as "Remove Bacon" or similar.
Sizes of Menu items
If you have your menu setup so that the sizes of your items are modifiers then they will come over as such into MarginEdge. This means that if you modify that item further, then it won’t be possible to link the size modifier to the other modifiers for that item. Example: If you have a Cheese Pizza with a modifier of “Large” and a modifier of “Pepperoni” then you’ll be able to see the Large linked to the pizza and the Pepperoni linked to the pizza, but you won’t be able to see that the Pepperoni is for a “Large” Pizza.
We recommend that if you have a menu item that has multiple sizes as well as other modifiers that you want to track that you put the size in the name of the item (Example: “Cheese Pizza - Large”).
Nested Modifiers
SkyTab allows for nested modifiers in menu setup (modifiers that modify other modifiers), but the integration between SkyTab and MarginEdge does not support these well. In MarginEdge we will see the nested modifiers, but because we do not currently receive which modifiers the nested modifiers are modifying, the nested modifier will not be linked to the other modifier.
Example: If you have a “Martini” with a modifier of “Tito’s Vodka” and then a nested modifier of “Double” then “Double” will be linked to “Martini”, but will not be linked to “Tito’s Vodka”.
Items Sold by Weight
In SkyTab a menu item can be sold by weight instead of quantity. We do not get the weight of the item from SkyTab when we receive data. This means we are unable to show an item’s weight in the PMIX Mapping screen (you will only see the quantity).