If you manage multiple restaurant units who are all grouped within the same Company in MarginEdge, and all units are paying their bills from the same bank account, you are eligible to use the Bill Pay Company View.
This feature allows someone with the appropriate permissions* to view and pay all bills from every unit from one Bill Pay screen. With this feature enabled, on Bill Pay > Invoices you will see a new column that shows the unit from which the invoice originated. You can then select multiple invoices across multiple units and pay everything at once. With this setting, you can send out one check for each vendor if desired.
For this feature, Restaurant Units must share a Company AND have the exact same bank account set up in every single location. If the bank accounts are different, this feature will not work. Units are not required to share a Concept within MarginEdge.
To have this enabled, please email help@marginedge.com and ask for "Bill Pay Company View".
Note that with this feature, every single unit - active and inactive - must have the shared bank account set up. You many encounter an error or not be able to proceed to pay bills if any unit is missing this information.
*User roles that can pay bills include: MarginEdge Admin, Accountants, Associate Accountant, Franchisee Accountant, and Bill Pay Users