Adjusting these settings let you control in great detail how a vendor’s invoices are handled. Want all 7-Eleven invoices to go to Petty Cash, all Coastal Produce to be booked only to Produce and Bar Supplies, and Misc Delivery Fee’s booked to a special account? Yep, we can do all that here and much much more!
Go to Vendors > Vendors and select the vendor you want to edit.
Then click on the blue "Edit Vendor" button near the vendor name.
Once there, you'll scroll down to see the box labeled "Accounting Configuration":
Below are descriptions of the configuration options available:
Accounting System Vendor |
Use Accounting System Settings |
When checked, [me] will pull the available information from your accounting system to set the account number and payment terms. When checked, the account number will not be able to be edited in [me] in order to keep it in sync. |
Exclude from Accounting System |
Checking this will automatically mark all invoices from this vendor to "skipped" so they will NOT export to your accounting system. |
Payment Account | This list is based on the payment accounts setup for your restaurant. It defaults to Accounts Payable. You can change the default choice for this vendor by selecting another account. And if desired, you can lock it so it can't change during processing by select "Prevent changing this account during order reconciliation". Do this only if you are sure all invoices for the vendor will always be paid this way. |
Payment Term | This is not required, but you can set terms that are either relative to the invoice date or relative to the day of the month. These are connected to what you will see in Bill Pay regarding due dates. |
Miscellaneous Charges |
By checking this box, you will be given the below options for how [me] handles misc charges on invoices. By default, [me] books these misc charges proportionately to all expense categories found on the invoice. But if you'd like all charges of a category to just be booked to one category, you can select the appropriate one. There's more information in this article: Handling Taxes, Delivery and other Miscellaneous Charges Scroll down to learn how to set these in bulk for all vendors. |
Category Restrictions |
By checking this box, you will be given the option to specify one or more expense categories that all items for this vendor should be booked to. No other expense categories can be used for the vendor's invoices. In the below example, the user has chosen that the only allowable expense categories for this vendor's invoices are "Dairy Products" and "Produce". In choosing these, you are specifying that [me] should not book any items on this vendor's invoices to any other categories. Note: this is only for new Vendor Items going forward. If some Vendor Items that have already been received are going to the wrong products or categories, please see this article to help make adjustments. |
Can I change any settings for all of my vendors at once?
If you would like to change the rules for the miscellaneous charges for all your vendors at once, you can do so by going to the Vendors menu and clicking the Configure Defaults button:
Here you will see the same basic interface allowing you to choose which miscellaneous charges you want booked to which categories.
First you must change it from "Unlocked" to either "Custom Default" or "Locked". If it stays in "Unlocked", you cannot edit this page.
Custom Default: This setting allows you to set the default here for all vendors, but it still gives you the option to adjust any settings when editing a specific vendor.
Locked: This setting will apply whatever choices you make here to all vendors and they cannot be adjusted individually within the vendor, only on this page.
Note that in these settings you can also set bulk rules for pulling the information from your accounting system and for handling how handwritten adjustments are used.
And don't forget to click SAVE at the bottom when you are finished!