MarginEdge’s integration with Restaurant365 allows you to upload invoices in MarginEdge, and then have them seamlessly flow over into Restaurant365. Setting up your accounting information in MarginEdge is easy – we pull a live list of your chart of accounts and vendor list so that you can easily map where you want your category and invoice data to go with a drop down list of options.
Our integration with Restaurant365 currently supports exporting invoices (A/P), credit memos, sales entries, inventory adjustments, and non-AP orders. Our integration currently does not support exporting bill payments.
- Is this a live integration? In other words, will a client need to export the data out of MarginEdge and import it into Restaurant365 or will it flow automatically?
The data will flow in automatically for journal entries (sales, inventory adjustments, and some orders that aren’t AP) and invoices. For bill payments, users will have to manually mark them as paid in Restaurant365.
- What kind of invoice data does MarginEdge send to Restaurant365?
For invoices and credits, we will only send category (GL Account) level data. It will look like the “Category Summary” in MarginEdge. Any product or line-item level information users may need can be found in MarginEdge.
For images, Restaurant365 does not support sending invoice images directly, so on each invoice we send a link to the MarginEdge invoice image.
- How do you send credits to Restaurant365?
Previously, credit memos needed to be manually imported into Restaurant365, but they now can be exported alongside your invoices! Credit memos will be created as AP Credit Memos in R365 when they are exported.
- Can you use Bill Pay with this integration?
You can use our Bill Pay feature in MarginEdge but we cannot export the payment information in order to automatically show the payment information in your system. You will still need to manually mark Bills as Paid in Restaurant365.
- Can you export inventory entries?
We will post inventory adjustments as a journal entry.
- Will Vendor and Chart of Accounts info update live?
Yes. Please allow 15 minutes for changes to take place.