By default, when you first get EDI setup, we will set your vendor to our first mode: "Process Images, with EDI backup". This article covers the differences between the four EDI modes we support and how to change those.
Please note that you must still request EDI through our MarginEdge help desk -- turning it on within the Vendor Settings does not activate the integration.
1 – Process Images, with EDI Backup (DEFAULT MODE)
MarginEdge Default mode; better data with no disruption or change to procedures
- MarginEdge relies on your uploaded invoice images and will use any EDI data received to process your invoices more efficiently and accurately.
- Handwritten adjustments will be used to generate a credit, and any EDI credit memos will be ignored.
- If no invoice image is received, EDI invoices will be flagged in your Weekly Snapshot email for approval. If no approval is given, they will automatically be deleted after 28 days.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will default to Combined.
- Click here for more information about this mode
2 - Process EDI, No Handwritten Adjustments (EDI AUTO-PROCESS)
Simple & quick, but relies on full trust in the Vendor to send accurate data - aka "Trust the Vendor" mode
- MarginEdge relies exclusively on EDI data from the vendor to process your invoices.
- EDI credits from the vendor will be automatically processed, no reconciling required.
- You may continue to upload invoice images for record-keeping, but handwritten adjustments on invoice images will be ignored.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will automatically be locked to Skipped.
3 - Process EDI, Allow Handwritten Adjustments
Speed of EDI data & handwritten adjustments included, but possible manual reconciliation required
- MarginEdge processes your invoices using the first available information from either EDI data or uploaded images.
- EDI invoices and credits will be processed immediately.
- Handwritten adjustments will be recorded, but will wait to match with a corresponding EDI credit before closing (but default settings will automatically close them after 28 days).
- If the handwritten credit does not match the electronic credit, your Weekly Snapshot email will alert you to log in and resolve it. More instructions here for reconciling credits.
- Note that if your accounting system receives invoice images from MarginEdge, but the image is uploaded to MarginEdge after the EDI invoice has been closed and sent, our system will automatically send the image at your next accounting sync.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will be automatically locked to Separate.
4 - Require EDI + Image for Processing
Slower processing usually requiring manual reconciliation but provides extra verification that all data is present and accurate
- Our system waits for both an uploaded image and its corresponding EDI file before an invoice or credit can process and close.
- Handwritten adjustments will be recorded, but will wait to match with a corresponding EDI credit before closing.
- Your Weekly Snapshot email will alert you to log in and resolve any invoices or credits that are currently in a Pending status.
- If the handwritten credit does not match the electronic credit, you will need to reconcile it. More instructions here for reconciling credits.
- Handwritten Vendor Credit Process will be automatically locked to Separate.
Changing your Settings
To change your EDI settings for a particular vendor, you must edit the Vendor itself.
In the Navigation Bar, select Vendors > Vendors, then click on the particular Vendor you want to edit.
Click the “Edit Vendor” Button:
Now scroll all the way down to the bottom to the Invoice Configuration Section. From here you have the four options in the drop down box. Choose one and click Save!
1 – Process Images, with EDI Backup (DEFAULT)
2 - Process EDI, No Handwritten Adjustments (EDI AUTO-PROCESS)
3 - Process EDI, Allow Handwritten Adjustments
4 - Require EDI + Image for Processing